Re-Elect Chris Eck for Edmonds City Council Position 1

Proven Leadership. Edmonds Priorities.

Why I’m Running For Re-Election

I’ve been honored to serve Edmonds on Council, and will continue to work hard for our community!

We have had tough decisions to make and our city deserves a council member who really does want to work for everyone. All of Edmonds is important to me, and I will continue to listen to residents from our broad and diverse community, and not just the loudest voices. I have a proven track record of resolving complex problems and bringing people together to achieve sensible solutions. As a Councilmember and Executive, and a former Snohomish County Planning Commissioner, I have worked on many of the housing policy and growth-related issues that are important to our community and our environment.

As a working parent and spouse, I have decades of experience working within our county’s healthcare, non-profit, and corporate organizations where I’ve honed an array of skills that equipped me to fully research and collaborate on the tough issues our city faces. In my current roles as Councilmember and Vice President of Programs for Volunteers of America Western Washington, I consistently display the deep, active listening to connect with others and to encourage all voices to be at the table. Doing so will help us make decisions that are the best for our city now and in the future.

Most importantly, I’m running for re-election because I love all areas of our community, and know that we can have a city that works for everyone! We are a better city when all of us feel included and valued.

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